Titre : Constrained Optimal Control Problem Applied to Vaccination for COVID-19 Epidemic

Abstract :

COVID-19 remains a major threat to the world since its emergence in December 2019, especially the lack of identification of a specific treatment, as scientific researchers continue to seek a better understanding of the epidemiological cycle and dynamics of the virus. In this work, we propose a dynamic mathematical model framework governed by a system of differential equations that integrates COVID-19 outbreaks, which is an extension of the standard SEAIR model. An optimal control problem is formulated with the aim of minimizing the number of infected individuals while considering intervention costs and the constraints of the total and maximum daily vaccine administration. We use the penalty method to approximate this constrained optimization problem and derive an optimality system that characterizes the optimal control. Finally, we carry out some numerical simulations.

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Liste des horaires :

  • Le 8 mars 2024 de 14h à 15h15